Thursday, December 15, 2016

Christmas Craze

So normally i would do a throwback Thursday post, but seeing as i haven't posted for a while, figured i would catch you up on whats been going on.

For starters, Today i took in everything for my adopt a family. If your not familiar with this, basically you sign up to provide a hamper for a family in need. Minimum requirements are one weeks worth of food, plus at least 1 gift for each child under 18. It does get a bit stressful making sure i have enough food and gifts for the family, but once its done and i get to take it all in, its so worth it. It feels so great knowing that family will go by later today to pick up all the stuff. Christmas time most people are stressed about getting presents for everyone, which i am too, but we sometimes forget to appreciate just what we have and to love the ones around us. To have the chance to make someone's Christmas a little better, means more to me then any gift i could ever receive.

Also, last weekend me and my mom were busy making homemade chocolates! I always get so motivated and excited to make them every year, But after the first hour, i find myself hating it. Making chocolates is actually pretty easy, but its a lot of repeating the same steps. I start to lose my focus. But we had a helping paw this year!

Yes of course miss Bella was there to help out. She's always interested in what were doing.
After all the chocolate making, i had my get together with the gang for our gift exchange. 

It's always so nice getting together with these ladies. We don't get together often, but we sure appreciate when we do. 

So that's what i've been up too lately. Trying to get everything done in a short amount of time. I need to remember to stop and breathe. Christmas wouldn't be the same without all the amazing people in my life. This weekend is going to be another super busy one. I have my work Christmas party, Bowling and then a friend's dinner party. Talk about crazy. But i can't go wrong with being surrounded by so many people i love!

Oh yea, and Bella got a new sweater!

XoXo - Sara

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Throwback Thursday (1)

So since it's Thursday, i thought i would do a throw back from summer a couple years ago!

This throwback is an adventure day when me and Shannan decided to take a trip to the mountains. And judging by the henna on my hand, I'm guessing this took place shortly after Stampede.

The really nice thing about living in Calgary, is having the beautiful mountains only about an hour away. It's nice to escape to sometimes when the city life get's too crazy. This waterfall has been flowing as long as i can remember. I used to come here as a little kid with my family. I love returning to it and just taking in it's beauty. Oh and the beautiful Shannan it has sitting on top ! 

That waterfall is located at Sibbald Pond. Also a good place to do some fishing. It's not the biggest body of water, but i like how calm it is. There's also picnic tables around if you wanted to pack a lunch and spend the day in the peace and quiet. 

Also by Sibbald is an area that has a great look out point and some nice trails to follow. Always a good time to go exploring through the bush!

Shannan is always goofing around and doing strange things. That's why i love her!

So let's throwback and remember those hot summer day's filled with adventure!

- XoXo Sara