Thursday, July 14, 2016


So i know i said i dont travel much, which i dont. But i have been to a few places. One of them is Mexico. I traveled to Los Cabos September of 2015 and it was one of the greatest experiences for me to this day. That trip was my first time flying and that alone was a big experience. But from where i live, it was a short 4 hour flight to paradise.

While in Mexico, i learned so much about the different culture. It really makes you appreciate having the luxury of something so simple as clean tap water. We dont realize that everytime we brush our teeth and rinse with tap water, somewhere else in the world can only dream of that. It really was a good wake up call to appreciate what i have back home in Canada.

But beside learning about all the history and culture, i also got to do some neat activities! Like swimming with dolphins, sail boating and snorkeling. But one really neat experience was getting to ride camels on the beach. Theyre such gentle creatures and it was the most relaxing ride.

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