Tuesday, March 21, 2017

It's Spring!

So yesterday was the first day of Spring, Although you wouldn't really know it by looking outside. It's all gloomy as snowy as usual. But all my days have been feeling pretty gloomy lately.

Finally went to the doctors yesterday and now i have to go for tests on my Thyroids and iron. I wish i didn't put it off for so long because i can't remember the last time i felt even a little bit awake. I wish it didn't take me so long to admit that something was wrong. From the moment i wake up to the moment i go the sleep, my eyes are in constant strain as if i haven't slept in days. As much as i hate blood work, i really just want some answers.

Besides the health issues things have been good. Finally caught up at work which is nice. I also have a few bowling tournaments coming up which i'm pretty excited for! I'm also kinda sad because next month bowling is over. Even though it'll be nice to have my Sunday's back, i'm gonna feel like something is missing. I had a pretty good season. Got a lot of goals for myself accomplished and i have a really great team! I've come a long ways with league. I remember when i first started bowling and had an 80 average and bowled on the wrong foot. Now here i am with almost a 200 average. After having some personal issues 2 years ago, i wasn't sure i would even return to bowling. I ended up taking a year off to get away from the drama and wondered if i'd ever be able to return. Luckily i got new friends into my life, and it turns out they had a spot open on there team and happened to bowl at the same alley i did. The chances of that happening were super bizarre, and that's how i knew i was meant to get back there. When something is that much of a coincidence, i take that as a sign that's where i'm supposed to be.

I can't let my fear of some stupid conflict keep me from doing what i love. Every year i see myself getting better and better. After joining that new team, the next season they weren't sure if they were coming back or not. I didn't let that stop me, i went a put my own team together and continued what i never should have stopped. 

I plan to finish this season on a high note! I'm so proud of my team for making it to A division for the finals! No matter how we finish, we did really great! Can't wait for next season!

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