Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday the 13th

2017 has begun with kind of a rocky start. But I'm not going to let that set how this year will go for me. Right before Christmas i was hit with a lot of challenges. As if Christmas wasn't stressful enough on its own, i had stressful situations that took it's toll on me. No matter how strong of a person you try to be, Sometimes things will always bring you down. For me, 2017 is about over coming the challenges i know i have coming at me in the future. My biggest struggle is that I'm an emotional person. I have been all my life. It's who i am. I don't think that will ever change. When you wear your heart on your sleeve, its more of a chance of it getting hurt in some way. But also, with me being like that, i let people in to my life very easily. I will welcome anyone in with open arms. I give everyone so much trust with my heart and my emotions. But one of the main things i cannot avoid getting hurt by, is stuff that's out of my control. Like when i found out that miss Bella bear will be needing surgery. That took a big toll on me hearing that. Bella has such a big place in my heart and to hear that she's in a type of pain that i cannot help her with, breaks my heart.

Bella has Luxating Patella. Which was always my fear with her breed, but i never thought we would have to deal with the chance of it until she was much older. But i guess the one good thing, is knowing what the problem is and that there is a solution. She's my little Bella bear and i would do anything to keep her happy and healthy. But in happy news for her, she's growing up and becoming more okay with people and other dogs! Super proud of her! 

Despite the struggle Bella has to face with her joints, she doesn't let that stop her. She had such a good time at Petsmart. She was so happy and even got herself a new bed!

Nothing puts a smile on my face like seeing a happy Bella <3

On a side note, with me wanting to have a better year and have things go in a positive direction, i got my hair done! I can't believe how longs its been since i actually got low lights. It really does feel refreshing to have a bit of a change.

Also, next week im changing my room around. Cant wait! It's time for a fresh start and to focus on all the positive things ahead.

This weekend is my 1 year with Tyler. Can't believe it's been a year already. Time goes so quickly. This weekend is a celebration of all the good things to come in the future. Despite all the hard times, you can only move forward. And i know with everything that is headed my way for 2017, ill have Tyler. He really is my rock. I don't know what i would do without him. He means the world to me and i can't wait for all the new adventures we have ahead of us <3

Lately I've been really thinking about my life and everyone in it. I'm a very lucky girl. I hope this year to really spend more time with everyone that means to much to me. Life happens so quickly. Make the most of it and really appreciate what you have.

- Xoxo Sara

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