Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Rant

So, when did people become so crazy? I mean, i understand everyone is a little crazy to some extent, but this is just ridiculous.

Sometimes reality is too hard to face, so people block it out. They're so caught up in how they're feeling that they don't stop to look and see what's really going on. A moment to step back, and just breathe and say to yourself "is this what i should be doing?" might just change everything. If you find that your just repeating yourself over and over again, and it feels like your speaking but no one is listening, you'd better step back and see why.

"Love is not possessiveness; many people think that's what love is: you possess somebody totally. To possess somebody is to destroy all possibilities of love."

- Osho

Being attached to somebody is one thing. To be possessive by telling them who they should be with, how they're feeling, and that they're thoughts aren't there own? Now that's just downright being crazy. Everyone is free to think and feel as they please. You do not have any right to claim how another is or should be feeling. 

If you have to constantly repeat yourself and state why your the best choice over and over again, clearly there's a problem. If you have to tell someone they should be with you, then obviously they shouldn't be. If you can't even have the dignity to walk away with your head up, then you deserve to be with your face to the floor. Feelings should not be messed with, and once they already have, you need to know when it's time to let go. 

"Healing comes when we choose to walk away from darkness and move towards a brighter light"

- Dieter F. Uchtdorf

But what if you choose to go to the light, but the darkness keeps following? How should one be able to heal when every single day, there's a constant reminder of the pain that was caused? Most people try to forgive and forget. But you will not be able to forget if you are not given the proper space. To heal a wound you need to stop touching it. But the more you touch it, the worse it becomes. 

Sometimes we think the battle is with the other person, when in reality, it's with yourself. Your at war with controlling your emotions. If you let those emotions get the better of you, it's only going to fuel the fire. Know your boundaries, know when to accept that you've said all you can say, and should walk away. That moment you decide you want to be a better person, is the moment you will stop the war with yourself. It will be the moment you finally give people the space they deserve. The moment you stop making yourself look ridiculous and start proving to people your changing for the better.

Sharing with the world every moment of your life, every tear you may shed, hoping for some sympathy, is just pathetic. How did she feel, all those nights she cried, all those days when she struggled for a smile, but she kept it all inside. For what you ask? For her chance for happiness, for her chance to be loved truly. Did she ever get that? No. But you can't say she didn't dam well try.

So at the end of the day, when you make another post, send another picture, and look for more sympathy, just think, do you really deserve it? Or does she, the girl who went to hell and back, but still manages to find a smile on her face. Every attempt you make, will only set you back. If back is where you wanna go, well your already there.

- XoXo Sara

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