Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday Thoughts

So, it's Wednesday. The weather is crappy, and i'm fighting off a cold. Luckily i think i'm winning that battle.

All day I've been brain storming new ideas for Bela Treasures. I've come so far with that and i just know i have to keep pushing. Everyone always ask's me if I've made any sales yet. But no i have not. But that doesn't get me discouraged at all. I know that patience is a virtue and good things will come in time. I just know i'm headed in the right direction.

Lately a big positive is I've been getting so many blog views. Which it may not seem like much, but it means people are seeing my creations. It's a big step in getting the promoting in the right direction. 

Other thought's today, i stumbled across a really cute puppy ad! (I know i shouldn't be searching puppies...but i get bored) This ad was for the cutest looking Pomeranian! (Bella is still #1) This person was selling this puppy for $700! I know that seems like a lot, but that's seriously cheap! Especially with how the fur pattern was for this pom! I looked like a super tiny Husky! And now a day's you'd be lucky to get a dog for under $1000. This ad did have over 2000 views. So chances of the dog being available are slim to none. Not to mention would my parent's approve of another dog? Probably not... But i'd hate to miss an opportunity just because it seemed too good to be true. I mean you never know! Some things that are too good to be true, are meant to be.

XoXo - Sara

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