Thursday, November 24, 2016

Christmas Chaos

So it's about that time of year again, when things start getting real crazy. I really don't know how people stay calm around Christmas. I'm the type of person who stresses very easily, so Christmas is a nightmare for me. 

On top of the usual present shopping and holiday activities, i also do an adopt a family hamper every year. This will be my third year participating in the program and i plan on continuing it for many years to come. The first year i got involved was a really hard year for me. There were so many bad events and negativity that year, that i decided i wasn't going to end it that way. I wanted to end it on a positive note, and that's when i started with the hamper program to help families in need. 

Despite all the crazy thing's going on this time of year, it's important to stop and enjoy it too. I'm very excited because this will be Bella's first Christmas! My cat Snoopy has become a bit grumpy around the holiday's. He's not one for crowds. But if its just my main family then he's okay. But he does have a Grinch outfit to suit him.

He pulls it off quite well! He also must live up to the title "Lil' Grinch". Every year we go through the struggle of him stealing bows off the presents,

If there is a bow, he will steal it. Or i don't even know how many time's I've given out present but had to apologize for the teeth marks in the bow. But now, it just wouldn't be Christmas without Snoopy stealing the bows.

XoXo Sara

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